Volume 23, Number 1 (Winter 2022)
From the Editors
The Counting Curse. . . 1–4
Francesca Silano
“A Dishonor to You and to the Church”: Patriarch Tikhon, Pogroms, and the Russian Revolution, 1917–19 . . . 5–27
Ville Soimetsä
Soviet Cultural Diplomacy with Scandinavians after the Great Terror: VOKS and Visitors from Denmark and Norway in 1939 . . . 29–49
Ryan Tucker Jones
Soviet Whale Scientists and the Crisis in the World’s Oceans . . . 51–75
James Allen Nealy, Jr.
Ovsei Shkaratan and the Soviet Social Structure after Stalin . . . 77–102
Classics in Retrospect
Jeffrey Brooks
Re-reading Two Classics of Russian Cultural History . . . 103–18
History and Historians
Evgenii A. Krestiannikov
Good Intentions Gone Wrong: Russian Historical Scholarship and the Proliferation Effect . . . 119–27
Review Essays
Vera Kaplan
Depicting a Meritocratic Empire . . . 129–44
Garret J. McDonald
Marxism, Psychology, and the Soviet Mind . . . 145–58
Nadieszda Kizenko
Russian Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective . . . 159–66
John Randolph
The Provinces in Russian Fiction . . . 167–72
Karl D. Qualls
Creating Modern Russian and Soviet Children through Words, Deeds, and Images . . . 173–80
Corinna R. Unger
Shifting Perspectives on the Cold War . . . 181–84
Benjamin Nathans
The Many Shades of Soviet Dissidence . . . 185–96
Anne E. Hasselmann
Communist Museums in Transition to Museums of Communism . . . 197–202
In Memoriam
Sarah Cameron, Jennifer Derr, and Julia Obertreis
Maya K. Peterson (1980–2021) . . . 203–8
Contributors to This Issue . . . 209–10