Volume 17, Number 1 (Winter 2016)

From the Editors

The Call of the Vozhd’  . . . 1


Dmitrii Liseitsev

Reconstructing the Late 16th- and 17th-Century Muscovite State Budget . . . 5

Maria Mayofis

The Thaw and the Idea of National Gemeinschaft: The All-Russian Choral Society . . . 27

Alexey Golubev

Time in 1:72 Scale: Plastic Historicity of Soviet Models . . . 69

Chris Miller

Gorbachev’s Agriculture Agenda: Decollectivization and the Politics of Perestroika . . . 95

Review Forum: The Great Dictator Revisited

Michael David-Fox

The Leader and the System . . . 119

Jörg Baberowski

Master of Power: Stalin and the Evolution of the Soviet System of Terror . . . 131

Review Forum: Imperial Russia in the World

Martin Aust

New Perspectives on Russian History in World History . . . 139

Alessandro Stanziani

Russian Economic Growth in Global Perspective . . . 151

Review Essays

Stephen M. Norris

A Biographical Turn? . . . 163

Alexander V. Reznik

Lev Trotskii as the Mirror of the Russian Revolution . . . 181


Alexander M. Martin

Constructing Identity in Pushkin’s Russia . . . 193

Elena I. Campbell

Foreign Faiths, Toleration, and Religious Freedom in the Russian Empire . . . 205

Galina Ulianova

Private Lives and Public Spaces in Imperial Russia . . . 215

Artemy M. Kalinovsky

Nationalism, Triumphalism, and the Final Months of the Soviet Union . . . 228

Contributors to This Issue . . . 233

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