The Young Technical Designers Pavilion at VDNKh in Moscow, Early 1980s. From a Soviet-Era Postcard
Box Cover Designs of USSR-Produced Models of Gipsy Moth Biplane (left) and Fairey Barracuda (right), for Foreign (top) and Domestic (bottom) Markets, Late 1970s and 1980s
Courtesy of
Illustration to the Feature Article about the Morane-Saulnier G, Showing Petr Nesterov’s Attack on an Austro-Hungarian Plane in 1914
Modelist-konstruktor, no. 1 (1982), color insert between 16 and 17
Soviet Private and Public Collections of Scale Models: Soviet Aircraft (left) and Imagined Future Space Craft (right)
Left: Kryl’ia rodiny, no. 12 (1970). Right: Modelist-konstruktor, no. 2 (1981), back cover