Volume 26, Number 1 (Winter 2025)

From the Editors

Borders and Borderlands: Call for Papers . . . 1–3


Mollie Arbuthnot

Heritage Modernism: Museums and Craft Revival in Early Soviet Tashkent . . . 5–34

Mirjam Voerkelius

Darwinism and the Human-Animal Boundary in the Soviet Union . . . 35–61

Darina Volf

The Thorny Road to a Handshake: The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project as a Challenge to the US and Soviet Space Programs . . . 63–90

State of the Field: Central Asian History

Adeeb Khalid

The Historiography of Modern Central Asia Today . . . 91–108

Scott C. Levi

Research Trends in the Study of Early Modern Central Asia . . . 109–32

Nari Shelekpayev

Thinking beyond Soviet Teleologies: Perspectives for the Study of Central Asia . . . 133–59

Sarah Cameron

New Directions in the Study of Modern Central Asian History . . . 161–76


Adrienne Edgar

Central Asia: Ever More Central? . . . 177–88


Yana Kirey-Sitnikova

Using the Past to Save the Present: Soviet Transgender History and Its Implications for Present-Day Trans Rights in Russia . . . 189–202

Review Essays

Ivan A. Abramkin

The Wedding Ritual and Court Ceremonies as “Scenarios of Power” in Eighteenth-Century Russian Political Culture . . . 203–12

Anton Fedyashin

Alexander III as Conservative Modernizer . . . 213–30

James Ryan

To the Reckless, the Spoils: On the Durability of Revolutionary
Regimes . . . 231–43

In Memoriam

Michael D. Gordin

The Social and Intellectual Roots of Loren Graham . . . 244–49

Contributors to This Issue . . . 250–52

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