Volume 8, Number 1 (Winter 2007)

From the Editors

An Interview with Leopold Haimson . . . 1


Eugene M. Avrutin
Racial Categories and the Politics of (Jewish) Difference in Late Imperial Russia . . . 13

Erik Van Ree
Heroes and Merchants: Stalin’s Understanding of National Character . . . 41

Review Forum: History of the Stalinist Gulag

Kate Brown
Out of Solitary Confinement: The History of the Gulag . . . 67

Oksana Klimkova
Special Settlements in Soviet Russia in the 1930s–50s . . . 105

Review Essays

Joshua Sanborn
Liberals and Bureaucrats at War . . . 141

Marci Shore
Feeling the Cracks: Remembering under Totalitarianism . . . 163


Yuri Zaretskii
A. Ia. Gurevich, Istoriia istorika (History of a Historian) . . . 177

David Christian
Peter C. Perdue, China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia . . . 183

Oleg Budnitskii
Michael Kellogg, The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Émigrés and the Making of National Socialism, 1917–1945 . . . 190

Galina S. Rylkova
Barbara Walker, Maximilian Voloshin and the Russian Literary Circle: Culture and Survival in Revolutionary Times; Mariia Stepanovna Voloshina, O Makse, o Koktebele, o sebe: Vospominaniia. Pis´ma (On Max, Koktebel´, and Myself: Memoirs. Letters); Maksimilian Voloshin, Sobranie sochinenii (Collected Works), vol. 7, book 1: Zhurnal puteshestviia: Dnevnik 1901–1903. Istoriia moei dushi (Record of a Journey: Diary, 1901–3. The Story of My Soul) . . . 201

Mark Edele
Catherine Merridale, Ivan’s War: Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939–1945; Aron Shneer, Plen: Sovetskie voennoplennye v Germanii, 1941–1945 (Captivity: Soviet Prisoners of War in Germany, 1941–45) . . .  209

To the Editors

Boris Gasparov
Historicism and the Dialogue . . . 215

Editors Of Ab Imperio
Letter . . . 222

Contributors to This Issue . . . 225 

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