Volume 4, Number 1 (Winter 2003)

From the Editors

“1930s Studies”  . . .  1


Lars T. Lih

How a Founding Document Was Found, or One Hundred Years of Lenin’s What Is to Be Done?  . . .  5

Forum: Population Movements and Population Politics from World War I to
World War II

Nick Baron and Peter Gatrell

Population Displacement, State-Building, and Social Identity in the Lands of the Former Russian Empire, 1917–23  . . .  51

Lynne Viola

The Aesthetic of Stalinist Planning and the World of the Special Villages  . . .  101

Alfred J. Rieber

Civil Wars in the Soviet Union  . . .  129


Peter Holquist

New Terrains and New Chronologies: The Interwar Period through the Lens of Population Politics  . . .  163

Review Essays

Patrice M. Dabrowski

Russian-Polish Relations Revisited, or The ABC’s of “Treason” under Tsarist Rule  . . .  177

Boris Mironov

Has Post-Modernism Come to Russia? Comments on the Anthology “American Russian Studies”  . . .  201


Franklin A. Walker

Eduard Izrailevich Kolchinskii, ed., Vo glave pervenstvuiushchego uchenogo sosloviia Rossii:  Ocherki zhizni i deiatel´nosti prezidentov Imperatorskoi Sankt-Peterburgskoi Akademii nauk 1715-1917 gg.; Iurii Davidovich Margolis and Grigorii Alekseevich Tishkin, “Edinym vdokhnoveniem”: Ocherki istorii universitetskogo obrazovaniia v Peterburge v kontse XVIII–pervoi polovine XIX v.; Andrei Iur´evich Andreev, Moskovskii universitet v obshchestvennoi i kul´turnoi zhizni Rossii nachala XIX veka  . . .  227

Alexei Miller

Israel Kleiner, From Nationalism to Universalism: Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinski and the Ukrainian Question  . . .  232

Doug Weiner

Anatolii Evgen´evich Ivanov, Studenchestvo Rossii kontsa XIX–nachala XX veka: Sotsial´no-istoricheskaia sud´ba; Susan K. Morrissey, Heralds of Revolution: Russian Students and the Mythologies of Radicalism  . . .  239

Jeffrey Brooks

Ol´ga Velikanova, Obraz Lenina v massovom vospriatii sovetskikh liudei po arkhivnym materialam  . . .  254

David Mandel

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kozlov, Massovye besporiadki v SSSR pri Khrushcheve i Brezhneve (1953–nachalo 1980-kh gg.); Samuel H.
Baron, Bloody Saturday in the Soviet Union: Novocherkassk, 1962  . . .  260

To the Editors

R. W. Davies  . . .  273

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  275

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