Volume 3, Number 4 (Fall 2002)

From the Editors

The Kritika Index: The Shrinking Past  . . .  575


Irina Paperno

Personal Accounts of the Soviet Experience  . . .  577

Galina S. Rylkova

Literature and Revolution: The Case of Aleksandr Blok  . . .  611

Review Article

Catriona Kelly

Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Chronicles of the Quotidian in Russia and the Soviet Union  . . .  631

Review Essays

Charles J. Halperin

Cultural Categories, Councils, and Consultation in Muscovy  . . .  653

Maia Lavrinovitch

In the Shadow of Catherine the Great: Mythologies and Biographies of Peter III and Paul I  . . .  685

Erik Van Ree

Stalin as Writer and Thinker  . . .  699


J. T. Kotilaine

Jan Willem Veluwenkamp, Archangel: Nederlandse ondernemers in Rusland 1550–1785 (Arkhangel´sk: Dutch Entrepeneurs in Russia, 1550–1785)  . . .  715

Valerie A. Kivelson

Aleksandr Sergeevich Lavrov, Koldovstvo i religiia v Rossii, 1700–1740 gg. . . .  723

Adeeb Khalid

Devin DeWeese, Islamization and Native Religion in the Golden Horde: Baba Tükles and Conversion to Islam in Historical and Epic Tradition; Allen J. Frank, Islamic Historiography and “Bulghar” Identity among the Tatars and Bashkirs of Russia; Stéphane A. Dudoignon, Dämir Is’haqov, and Räfiq Möhämmätshin, eds., L’Islam de Russie: Conscience communautaire et autonomie politique chez les Tatars de la Volga et de l’Oural depuis le XVIIIe siècle. Actes du colloque international de Qazan, 29 avril–1 juin 1996  . . .  728

Anna Geifman

Oleg Vital´evich Budnitskii, Terrorizm v rossiiskom osvoboditel¢nom dvizhenii: Ideologiia, etika, psikhologiia (vtoraia polovina XIX–nachalo XX v.)  . . . 739

Steven T. Duke

Wayne Dowler, Classroom and Empire: The Politics of Schooling Russia’s Eastern Nationalities, 1860–1917; Toivo Flink, Maaorjuuden ja vallankumouksen puristuksessa: Inkerin ja Pietarin suomalaisten sivistys-, kulttuuri- ja itsetuntopyrkimyskiä vuosina 1861–1917 (Squeezed by Serfdom and Revolution: The Ingrian and St. Petersburg Finns’ Endeavors for Education, Culture, and Self-Consciousness, 1861–1917); Nina Emil´evna Vashkau, Shkola v nemetskikh koloniiakh Povolzh´ia 1764–1917 gg.  . . .  746

In Memoriam

Alfred J. Rieber

Alexander Vucinich (1914–2002)  . . .  755

To the Editors

Gábor T. Rittersporn  . . .  759

Errata  . . .  760

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  761

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