A. I. Oparin, Proiskhozhdenie zhizni (Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 1924).
A. I. Oparin in the 1960s.
John Haldane in the 1940s.
Todor Nikolov’s pass as a staff member of the Dimitrov Lab.
Photograph album for reports on the embalming of G. M. Dimitrov’s body (1949–54). Source: Dimitrov Mausoleum Lab (Bulgarian State Archive fond ChP 190B, a.e. 4, str. 1).
Microphotographs of histological specimen from January 1954 (Dimitrov’s body). Source: Dimitrov Mausoleum Lab (Bulgarian State Archive fond ChP 190B, a.e. 4, str. 22).
Kon-Tiki’s landing by Evgenii Katyshev in Tekhnika molodezhi, no. 4 (1986): 50–51. Reproduced with permission.
Programming flowchart for the program “Lunolet-2” by Sergei Alekseev in Tekhnika molodezhi, no. 5 (1986): 53. Reproduced with permission.
Moscow’s Monument to the Conquerors of Space. Photograph by the author. Reproduced with permission.