Volume 13, Number 2 (Spring 2012)

From the Editors

An Interview with Geoffrey A. Hosking . . . 257


Richard Wortman
The Representation of Dynasty and “Fundamental Laws” in the Evolution of Russian Monarchy . . . 265

Faith Hillis
Ukrainophile Activism and Imperial Governance in Russia’s Southwestern Borderlands . . . 301

Alexander Morrison
Metropole, Colony, and Imperial Citizenship in the Russian Empire . . . 327

David Brandenberger
“Simplistic, Pseudosocialist Racism”: Debates over the Direction of Soviet Ideology within Stalin’s Creative Intelligentsia, 1936–39 . . . 365

Seth Bernstein
Valedictorians of the Soviet School: Professionalization and the Impact of War in Soviet Chess . . . 395

Forum: Empire, Nation, and Society in the Work of Geoffrey Hosking

Alexei Miller
Nation and Empire: Reflections in the Margins of Geoffrey Hosking’s Book . . . 419

Adrienne Edgar
Rulers and Victims Reconsidered: Geoffrey Hosking and the Russians of the Soviet Union . . . 429

Mark Edele
Stalinism as a Totalitarian Society: Geoffrey Hosking’s Socio-Cultural History . . . 441

Catriona Kelly
“The Communal Experience”: The Role of Groups in Geoffrey Hosking’s Understanding of Russian Society . . . 453

Geoffrey A. Hosking
Response . . . 459

Errata . . . 466


Charles J. Halperin
V. N. Temushev, Gomel´skaia zemlia v kontse XV–pervoi polovine XVI v.: Territorial´nye transformatsii v pogranichnom regione (The Gomel´ Land in the Late 15th and First Half of the 16th Centuries: Territorial Transformation in a Border Region); M. M. Krom, “Vdovstvuiushchee tsarstvo”: Politicheskii krizis v Rossii 30–40-kh godov XVI veka (The “Widowed Kingdom”: The Political Crisis in Russia during the 1530s and 1540s) . . . 467

Nikolay Mitrokhin
Aleksei Beglov, V poiskakh “Bezgreshnykh katakomb”: Tserkovnoe podpol´e v SSSR (In Search of “Sinless Catacombs”: The Church Underground in the USSR) . . . 476

Mayhill C. Fowler
Iurii Shapoval, ed., Poliuvannia na Val´dshnepa: Rozsekrechenyi Mykola Khvyl´ovyi (Hunting for “Woodcock”: Mykola Khvyl´ovyi Declassified) . . . 491

Oksana Nagornaya
Iren Andreeva, Chastnaia zhizn´ pri sotsializme: Otchet sovetskogo obyvatelia (Private Life under Socialism: The Account of an Ordinary Soviet Person); Oleg Leibovich, V gorode M: Ocherki politicheskoi povsednevnosti sovetskoi provintsii v 40–50-kh gg. (In the Town of M: Essays on Everyday Political Life in the Soviet Provinces in the 1940s and 1950s) . . . 501

Contributors to This Issue . . . 506

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