Volume 22, Number 3 (Spring 2021)

From the Editors

The Many Disciplines of Eurasian History . . . 445


Irina Roldugina

Homosexuality in the Late Imperial Russian Navy: A Microhistory . . . 451

Claire Roosien

“Not Just Tea Drinking”: The Red Teahouse and the Soviet State Public in Interwar Uzbekistan . . . 479

Joy Neumeyer

Late Socialism as a Time of Weeping: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Vladimir Vysotskii . . . 511

Forum: The Career and Work of Jerry Hough

Sheila Fitzpatrick

Hough and History . . . 535

Susan E. Hough

A Daughter’s Memories . . . 557

Yoram Gorlizki

Reading The Soviet Prefects Today . . . 563

Ronald Grigor Suny

Jerry Hough’s Soviet Union: Its Progress and Demise . . . 575

David D. Laitin

Jerry Hough and the Challenge to Area Studies . . . 585

Dominique Arel

Jerry Hough, Scholar and Entrepreneur . . . 601

Review Essay

Paul W. Werth

Russia’s Borders in East and West . . . 623


Botakoz Kassymbekova

Mediums of Power and Powerlessness in Soviet and Post-Soviet Central Asia . . . 645

Barbara Martin

Dissent on the Belarusian Literary Front . . . 650

Pawel Sowinski

Local Factors Matter . . . 656

Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter

Émigrés, Immigration, and the Historical Profession in the United States . . . 660

Contributors to This Issue . . . 666

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The Many Disciplines of Eurasian History

Contributors to 22, no. 3