Volume 11, Number 4 (Fall 2010)

From the Editors

When Does History End? . . . 697

Forum: The World of the 18th-Century Nobility

Michelle Lamarche Marrese
“The Poetics of Everyday Behavior” Revisited: Lotman, Gender, and the Evolution of Russian Noble Identity . . . 701

Igor Fedyukin
“An Infinite Variety of Inclinations and Appetites”: Génie and Governance in Post-Petrine Russia . . . 741


Simon Dixon
Practice and Performance in the History of the Russian Nobility . . . 763


Simo Mikkonen
Stealing the Monopoly of Knowledge? Soviet Reactions to U.S. Cold War Broadcasting . . . 771

Review Forum: Totalitarianism—The Comparative Dimension

Dietrich Beyrau
Nazis and Stalinists: Mutual Interaction or Tandem Development? . . . 807

John Connelly
Totalitarianism: Defunct Theory, Useful Word . . . 819

Review Essays

Alexander M. Martin
History, Memory, and the Modernization of 19th-Century Urban Russia . . . 837

Ekaterina Boltunova
Unity, Disintegration, and Monarchy: Romanov Russia in Recent Scholarship . . . 871


Carol B. Stevens
Iurii Georgievich Alekseev, Pokhody russkikh voisk pri Ivane III (The Campaigns of the Russian Armies under Ivan III); Brian L. Davies, Warfare, State, and Society on the Black Sea Steppe, 1500–1700; Alexander Filjushkin, Ivan the Terrible: A Military History; Mikhail Markovich Krom, Starodubskaia voina, 1534–1537: Iz istorii russko-litovskikh otnoshenii (The Starodub War, 1534–37: From the History of Russian–Lithuanian Relations); Aleksandr Vital´evich Malov, Moskovskie vybornye polki soldatskogo stroia v nachal´nyi period svoei istorii, 1656–1671 gg. (The Muscovite Select Regiments of the Infantry in the Early Phase of Their History, 1656–71) . . . 889

Miriam Dobson
Tat´iana Nikol´skaia, Russkii protestantizm i gosudarstvennaia vlast´ v 1905–1991 godakh (Russian Protestantism and State Power, 1905–91); Catherine Wanner, Communities of the Converted: Ukrainians and Global Evangelism . . . 902

Thomas Seifrid
Jochen Hellbeck, Revolution on my Mind: Writing a Diary Under Stalin; Irina Paperno, Stories of the Soviet Experience: Memoirs, Diaries, Dreams . . . 911

Frederick C. Corney
Francis Xavier Blouin, Jr., and William G. Rosenberg, eds., Archives, Documentation, and Institutions of Social Memory: Essays from the Sawyer Seminar . . . 919

In Memoriam

Alessandro Stanziani
Michael Confino (1925–2010) . . . 930


Nicolas Werth 
To the Editors . . . 935

With a response by Paul Hagenloh

Contributors to This Issue . . .  940
Kritika Style Sheet . . . 942

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