Volume 8, Number 3 (Summer 2007)

From the Editors

An Interview with Sheila Fitzpatrick . . . 479


Stephen Kotkin
Mongol Commonwealth? Exchange and Governance across the Post-Mongol Space . . . 487

James Frank Goodwin
Russian Anarchism and the Bolshevization of Bakunin in the Early Soviet Period . . . 533

Maxim Waldstein
Russifying Estonia? Iurii Lotman and the Politics of Language and Culture in Soviet Estonia . . . 561

Review Article

Yves Cohen
The Cult of Number One in an Age of Leaders . . . 597

Review Essay

Andy Bruno
Russian Environmental History: Directions and Potentials . . . 635


Isabel De Madariaga
Aleksandr Il´ich Filiushkin, Tituly russkikh gosudarei (The Titles of Russian Rulers) . . . 651

Viktor Zhivov
Frithjof Benjamin Schenk, Aleksandr Nevskij: Heiliger—Fürst Nationalheld. Ein Erinnerungsfigur im russischen kulturellen Gedächtnis (1263–2000) (Aleksandr Nevskii: Saint—Prince—National Hero. A Figure of Commemoration in Russian Cultural Memory [1263–2000]) . . . 661

David Kirby
Frank Nesemann, Ein Staat, kein Gouvernement: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Autonomie Finnlands im russischen Zarenreich, 1808 bis 1826 (A State but not a Province: The Origin and Evolution of Finland’s Autonomy in the Russian Empire, 1808–26) . . . 672

Peter Waldron
Ekaterina Anatol´evna Pravilova, Finansy imperii: Den´gi i vlast´ v politike Rossii na natsional´nykh okrainakh, 1801–1917 (The Empire’s Finances: Money and Power in Russian Policy in the National Borderlands, 1801–1917) . . . 676

John-Paul Himka
Johan Dietsch, Making Sense of Suffering: Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian Historical Culture; Stanyslav Vladyslavovych Kul´chyts´kyi, Holod 1932–1933 rr. v Ukraini iak henotsyd/Golod 1932–1933 gg. v Ukraine kak genotsid (The 1932–33 Famine in Ukraine as a Genocide) . . . 683

Polly Jones
Iurii Aksiutin, Khrushchevskaia ottepel´ i obshchestvennye nastroeniia v SSSR v 1953–1964 gg. (The Khrushchev Thaw and Popular Opinion in the USSR, 1953–64); Arlen Blium, Kak eto delalos´ v Leningrade: Tsenzura v gody ottepeli, zastoia i perestroika, 1953–1991 (How It Was Done in Leningrad: Censorship in the Years of the Thaw, Stagnation, and Perestroika, 1953–91) . . . 695

In Memoriam

Janet Hartley
Lindsey Hughes (1949–2007) . . . 705

Contributors to This Issue . . . 709

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