Volume 8, Number 2 (Spring 2007)

From the Editors

Citing the Archival Revolution . . . 227


Michael C. Paul
Secular Power and the Archbishops of Novgorod before the Muscovite Conquest . . . 231

Rebecca Gould
Transgressive Sanctity: The Abrek in Chechen Culture . . . 271

Madhavan K. Palat
Casting Workers as an Estate in Late Imperial Russia . . . 307

Ex Tempore: Back to the Future? Social History and Soviet Society

Mark Edele
Soviet Society, Social Structure, and Everyday Life: Major Frameworks Reconsidered . . . 349

Jean-Paul Depretto
Stratification without Class . . . 375

Review Essays

Cherie Woodworth
The Venerated Image among the Faithful: Icons for Historians . . . 389

Theodore R. Weeks
The “Jewish Question” in Eastern Europe . . . 409


Donald Ostrowski
Christopher P. Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire; Peter Jackson, The Mongols and the West, 1221–1410; George Lane, Daily Life in the Mongol Empire; Igor de Rachewiltz, trans. and ed., The Secret History of the Mongols: A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century, 2 vols. . . . 431

Carol B. Stevens
Ivan Rostislavovich Sokolovskii, Sluzhilye “inozemtsy” v Sibiri XVII veka (Tomsk, Eniseisk, Krasnoiarsk) (“Foreign” Servicemen in Siberia in the 17th Century [Tomsk, Eniseisk, Krasnoiarsk]) . . . 442

Lucien J. Frary
Lora Aleksandrovna Gerd, Konstantinopol´ i Peterburg: Tserkovnaia politika Rossii na pravoslavnom Vostoke, 1878–1898 (Constantinople and Petersburg: Russian Religious Policy in the Orthodox East, 1878–98) . . . 445

Oksana Bulgakowa
Leonid Valentinovich Maksimenkov and Kirill Mikhailovich Anderson, eds. in chief; Liudmila Pavlovna Kosheleva and Larisa Aleksandrovna Rogovaia, eds., Kremlevskii kinoteatr, 1929–1953: Dokumenty (The Kremlin’s Movie Theater, 1929–53: Documents) . . . 453

Ilya Utekhin
Christina Kiaer and Eric Naiman, eds., Everyday Life in Early Soviet Russia: Taking the Revolution Inside; Nataliia Lebina, Entsiklopediia banal´nostei: Sovetskaia povsednevnost´. Kontury, simvoly, znaki (Encyclopedia of Banalities: Soviet Everyday Life. Shapes, Symbols, Signs) . . . 461

In Memoriam

Abbott Gleason
Daniel Field (1938–2006) . . . 471

Contributors to This Issue . . . 475

Erratum . . . 477

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