Volume 5, Number 3 (Summer 2004)

From the Editors

An Interview with Dan Davidson . . . 447


Daniel Beer
The Medicalization of Religious Deviance in the Russian Orthodox Church (1880–1905) . . . 451

Virginia Martin
Kazakh Oath Taking in Colonial Courtrooms: A Legal-Cultural Perspective on Russian Empire Building . . . 483

Review Essays

Willard Sunderland
The Emperor’s Men at the Empire’s Edges . . . 515

Susan Smith-Peter
How to Write a Region: Local and Regional Historiography . . . 527

Ehren Park And David Brandenberger
Imagined Community? Rethinking the Nationalist Origins of the Contemporary Chechen Crisis . . . 543

Norman M. Naimark
Post-Soviet Russian Historiography on the Emergence of the Soviet Bloc . . . 561


Jennifer Spock
David M. Goldfrank, ed. and trans., The Monastic Rule of Iosif Volotsky; Amvrosii (Ornatskii), episkop, Drevnerusskie inocheskie ustavy: Ustavy rossiiskikh monastyrenachal’nikov (Old Russian Monastic Rules: Rules of Russia’s Monastic Founders) . . . 581

Charles Steinwedel
Aviel Roshwald, Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires: Central Europe, Russia, and the Middle East, 1914–1923; Sviatoslav Kaspe, Imperiia i modernizatsiia: Obshchaia model´ i rossiiskaia spetsifika (Empire and Modernization: The General Model and Russian Specificity) . . . 587

Gábor T. Rittersporn
Alla Iur´evna Gorcheva, Pressa Gulaga (1918-1955) (The Gulag Press, 1918-1955); State Archive of the Russian Federation, Federal Archival Service of Russia, Moscow, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, The GULAG Press, 1920–1937 . . . 599

Michael David-Fox
Sergei Zhuravlev, “Malenkie liudi” i “bol´shaia istoriia”: Inostrantsy moskovskogo Elektrozavoda v sovetskom obshchestve 1920-kh–1930-kh gg. (“Little People” and “Big Events”: Foreigners of Moscow’s Electrical Factory in Soviet Society, 1920s–30s) . . . 611

Matthew Evangelista
Gennadii Gorelik, Andrei Sakharov: Nauka i svoboda (Andrei Sakharov: Science and Freedom); Richard Lourie, Sakharov: A Biography . . . 623

In Memoriam

Leopold Haimson And Lynne Viola
Viktor Petrovich Danilov (1925–2004) . . . 633


Aleksandr Kamenskii
To the Editors . . . 641

Contributors to This Issue . . . 643

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