Volume 4, Number 4 (Fall 2003)

From the Editors

What’s in a Name? . . . 779


Michael D. Gordin

Measure of All the Russias: Metrology and Governance in the Russian Empire . . .  783

Elizabeth A. Papazian

Reconstructing the (Authentic Proletarian) Reader: Mikhail Zoshchenko’s Changing Model of Authorship, 1929–34 . . . 816

Jonathan Dekel-Chen

Farmers, Philanthropists, and Soviet Authority: Rural Crimea and Southern Ukraine, 1923–41 . . . 849

Review Forum: The Kremlin and the Holocaust

Harvey Asher

The Soviet Union, the Holocaust, and Auschwitz . . . 886

Jeffrey Herf

The Nazi Extermination Camps and the Ally to the East: Could the Red Army and Air Force Have Stopped or Slowed the Final Solution? . . . 913

Review Essays

Paul Bushkovitch

The Monarch and the State in 18th-Century Russia . . . 931

Jeff Sahadeo

Conquest, Colonialism, and Nomadism on the Eurasian Steppe . . . 942

Jonathan Daly

Security Services in Imperial and Soviet Russia . . . 955


Valerie Kivelson

Isolde Thyrêt, Between God and Tsar: Religious Symbolism and the Royal Women of Muscovite Russia; André Berelowitch, La hiérarchie des égaux: La noblesse russe d’Ancien Régime (XVIe–XVIIIe siècles) (Hierarchy of Equals: The Russian Nobility under the Old Regime [16th–18th Centuries])  . . . 974

Lee A. Farrow

E.N. Marasinova, Psikhologiia elity rossiiskogo dvorianstva poslednei treti XVIII veka (Po materialam perepiski) (The Psychology of the Russian Gentry Elite in the Last Third of the 18th Century [Based on Correspondence])  . . . 982

Susan Smith-Peter

Sergei Aleksandrovich Kozlov, Agrarnye traditsii i novatsii v doreformennoi Rossii (tsentral´no-nechernozemnye gubernii) (Agrarian Tradition and Innovation in Pre-Reform Russia [the Central Black Earth Provinces]) . . . 985

Lukasz Chimiak

Myroslav Shkandrij, Russia and Ukraine: Literature and the Discourse of Empire from Napoleon to Postcolonial Times; Aleksandr V. Lipatov and I. O. Shaitanov, eds., Poliaki i russkie: Vzaimoponimanie i vzaimo­neponimanie (Poles and Russians: Mutual Understanding and Misunderstanding); Johannes Remy, Higher Education and National Identity: Polish Student Activism in Russia, 1832–1863 . . . 991

Nigel Raab

Rainer Lindner, Historiker und Herrschaft: Nationsbildung und Geschichts­-politik in Weissrussland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (The Historian and Power: Nation-Building and Historical Politics in Belarus in the 19th and 20th Centuries); Dietrich Beyrau and Rainer Lindner, eds. Handbuch der Geschichte Weissrusslands (Handbook of Belarusian History)
 . . . 998

To the Editors

Stephen F. Cohen with response from Peter Kenez . . . 1009

Contributors to This Issue . . . 1011

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