Volume 3, Number 3 (Summer 2002)

From the Editors

New Journals in the New Russia  . . .  389

Forum: Russian Folk Art under Lenin and Stalin

Susannah Lockwood Smith

From Peasants to Professionals: The Socialist-Realist Transformation of a Russian Folk Choir  . . .  393

Andrew Jenks

From Periphery to Center: Palekh and Indigenization in the Russian Heartland  . . .  427


Alison Hilton

Humanizing Utopia: Paradoxes of Soviet Folk Art  . . .  459

Ex Tempore: Muscovite Despotism

Marshall Poe

The Truth about Muscovy  . . .  473

Valerie A. Kivelson

On Words, Sources, and Historical Method: Which Truth about Muscovy?  . . .  487

Charles J. Halperin

Muscovy as a Hypertrophic State: A Critique  . . .  501

Review Essays

Roger D. Markwick

Stalinism at War  . . .  509

Hiroaki Kuromiya

World War II, Jews, and Post-War Soviet Society  . . .  521


Jonathan Grant

Klaus Gestwa,  Proto-Industrialisierung in Russland: Wirtschaft, Herrschaft und Kultur in Ivanovo und Pavlovo, 1741–1932  . . .  533

David Moon

Leonid Vasil´evich Milov, Velikorusskii pakhar’ i osobennosti rossiiskogo istoricheskogo protsessa  . . .  537

Frank Golczewski

Vladimir Iakimovich Grosul, ed., Russkii konservatizm XIX stoletiia: Ideologiia i praktika; Andreas Renner, Russischer Nationalismus und Öffentlichkeit im Zarenreich 1855–1875; Yitzhak M. Brudny, Reinventing Russia: Russian Nationalism and the Soviet State, 1953–1991; Astrid S. Tuminez, Russian Nationalism Since 1856: Ideology and the Making of Foreign Policy  . . .  546

T. H. Rigby

Efim Gilevich Gimpel´son, Sovetskie upravlentsy 1917–1920 gg.  . . .  554

Catherin Klein-Gousseff

Anatolii Vishnevskii, Serp i rubl´: Konservativnaia modernizatsiia v SSSR; Anatole Vichnevski, La faucille et le rouble: La modernisation conservatrice en URSS  . . .  558

In Memoriam

David C. Engerman

Joseph S. Berliner, 1921–2001  . . .  563

To the Editors

Martin Malia  . . .  569

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  573

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