Volume 1, Number 4 (Fall 2000)

From the Editors

Some Paradoxes of the “New Imperial History”  . . .  623

Forum: Reconsidering the Russian Peasantry

Boris Gorshkov

Serfs on the Move: Peasant Seasonal Migration in Pre-Reform Russia, 1800–61  . . .  627

David Kerans

Toward a Wider View of the Agrarian Problem in Russia, 1861–1930  . . .  657


David Moon

Russia’s Rural Economy, 1800–1930  . . .  679

Ex Tempore: Orientalism and Russia

Adeeb Khalid

Russian History and the Debate over Orientalism  . . .  691

Nathaniel Knight

On Russian Orientalism: A Response to Adeeb Khalid  . . .  701

Maria Todorova

Does Russian Orientalism Have a Russian Soul? A Contribution to the Debate between Nathaniel Knight and
Adeeb Khalid  . . .  717

Review Article

John Randolph

The Old Mansion: Revisiting the History of the Russian Country Estate  . . .  729

Review Essays

Sean Pollock

“We Slavishly Request…”: Invitations to Empire and Russian Political Patronage in the Balkans  . . .  751

Marc Raeff

The 18th-Century Nobility and the Search for a New Political Culture in Russia  . . .  769


Lindsey Hughes

Nikolai Pavlenko, Vokrug trona  . . .  783

Gary Marker

Martina Petrovna Mokhnacheva, Zhurnalistika i istoricheskaia nauka, vols. 1–2  . . .  789

Olga Leonteva

Thomas Sanders, ed., Historiography of Imperial Russia: The Profession and Writing of History in a Multinational
 . . .  794

Marina Sorokina

Minuvshee: Istoricheskii al´manakh 25: Soderzhanie tomov 1–24  . . . 805

Sergei Kapterev

Graham Roberts, Forward Soviet! History and Non-Fiction Film  in the USSR; Lev A. Parfenov, ed. Zhivye golosa kino: govoriat vydaiushchiesia mastera otechestvennogo kinoiskusstva (30-e–40-e gody). Iz neopublikovannogo  . . .  815

Richard S. Wortman

Sergei Iur´evich Nekliudov, ed., Moskovsko-tartuskaia semioticheskaia shkola.  Istoriia, vospominaniia, 
 . . .  821

To the Editors

Charles J. Halperin, with a response by Donald Ostrowski  . . .  830

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  833

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