Volume 9, Number 3 (Summer 2008)
From the Editors
Marketing Russian History . . . 497
Forum: Tolstoi, Orthodoxy, and Terrorism
Inessa Medzhibovskaya
Tolstoi’s Response to Terror and Revolutionary Violence . . . 505
Pål Kolstø
The Elder at Iasnaia Poliana: Lev Tolstoi and the Orthodox Starets Tradition . . . 533
William Nickell
New Directions in Tolstoi Scholarship . . . 555
Stephen Lovell
From Genealogy to Generation: The Birth of Cohort Thinking in Russia . . . 567
Review Essays
Willard Sunderland
The Last of the White Moustaches: Recent Books on the
Anti-Bolshevik Commanders of the East . . . 595
Malte Griesse
Soviet Subjectivities: Discourse, Self-Criticism, Imposture . . . 609
Michael D. Gordin
Was There Ever a “Stalinist Science”? . . . 625
Nadieszda Kizenko
John-Paul Himka and Andriy Zayarnyuk, eds., Letters from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine; M. V. Korogodina, Ispoved´ v Rossii v XIV–XIX vekakh: Issledovanie i teksty (Confession in 14th- to 19th-Century Russia: A Study and Primary Texts) . . . 641
Martina Winkler
Mary W. Cavender, Nests of the Gentry: Family, Estate, and Local
Loyalties in Provincial Russia; John Randolph, The House in the Garden: The Bakunin Family and the Romance of Russian Idealism; Richard Stites, Serfdom, Society, and the Arts in Imperial Russia: The Pleasure and the Power . . . 655
Gregory Vitarbo
Stephen M. Norris, A War of Images: Russian Popular Prints, Wartime Culture, and National Identity, 1812–1945; Pavel Petrovich Shcherbinin, Voennyi faktor v povsednevnoi zhizni russkoi zhenshchiny v XVIII–nachale XX vekov (The War Factor in the Everyday Life of Russian Women from the 18th to the Beginning of the 20th Centuries); David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye and Bruce W. Menning, eds., Reforming the Tsar’s Army: Military Innovation in Imperial Russia from Peter the Great to the Revolution . . . 668
Alexei Miller
Theodore R. Weeks, From Assimilation to Antisemitism: The “Jewish Question” in Poland, 1850–1914 . . . 679
Sarah Badcock
Peter Gatrell, Russia’s First World War: A Social and Economic History; Ol´ga Sergeevna Porshneva, Krest´iane, rabochie i soldaty Rossii nakanune i v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny (Peasants, Workers, and Soldiers of Russia before and during World War I) . . . 685
Maike Lehmann
El´dar Rafik ogly Ismailov, Azerbaidzhan: 1953–1956 gg. Pervye gody “ottepeli” (Azerbaijan, 1953–56: The First Years of the “Thaw”) . . . 694
Contributors to This Issue . . . 701