Volume 9, Number 1 (Winter 2008)

Special Issue: Circulation of Knowledge and the Human Sciences in Russia

From the Editors

Journées d’études internationales . . . 1


Susan Gross Solomon
Circulation of Knowledge and the Russian Locale . . . 9


Alessandro Stanziani
Free Labor—Forced Labor: An Uncertain Boundary? The Circulation of Economic Ideas between Russia and Europe from the 18th to the Mid-19th Century . . . 27

Vera Tolz
European, National, and (Anti-)Imperial: The Formation of Academic Oriental Studies in Late Tsarist and Early Soviet Russia . . . 53

Nathaniel Knight
Nikolai Kharuzin and the Quest for a Universal Human Science: Anthropological Evolutionism and the Russian Ethnographic Tradition, 1885–1900 . . . 83

Wladimir Berelowitch
History in Russia Comes of Age: Institution-Building, Cosmopolitanism, and Theoretical Debates among Historians in Late Imperial Russia . . . 113

Juliette Cadiot
Russia Learns to Write: Slavistics, Politics, and the Struggle to Redefine Empire in the Early 20th Century . . . 135

Marlene Laruelle
The Concept of Ethnogenesis in Central Asia: Political Context and Institutional Mediators (1940–50) . . . 169

Natalia Avtonomova
The Use of Western Concepts in Post-Soviet Philosophy: Translation and Reception . . . 189


Alain Blum
Circulation, Transfers, Isolation . . . 231


Russell E. Martin
Chester S. L. Dunning, A Short History of Russia’s First Civil War: The Time of Troubles and the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty;Liudmila Evgen´evna Morozova, Rossiia na puti iz Smuty: Izbranie na tsarstvo Mikhaila Fedorovicha (Russia on Its Way Out of the Time of Troubles: Mikhail Fedorovich’s Election as Tsar) . . . 243

John Randolph
Dmitrii Alekseevich Miliutin, Vospominaniia general-fel´dmarshala grafa Dmitriia Alekseevicha Miliutina (The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Count Dmitrii Alekseevich Miliutin), ed. Larisa Georgievna Zakharova, 6 vols. . . . 252

Brian Horowitz
Oleg Vital´evich Budnitskii et al., eds., Mirovoi krizis 1914–1920 godov i sud´ba vostochnoevropeiskogo evreistva (The World Crisis of 1914–20 and the Fate of East European Jewry) . . . 258

Vladimir Solonari
Michael Mann, The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing; Jörg Baberowski, ed., Moderne Zeiten? Krieg, Revolution und Gewalt im 20. Jahrhundert (Modern Times? War, Revolution, and Violence in the 20th Century) . . . 263

Michael S. Gorham
David Markovich Fel´dman, Terminologiia vlasti: Sovetskie politicheskie terminy v istoriko-kul´turnom kontekste (The Terminology of Power: Soviet Political Terms in Historical-Cultural Context) . . . 270


Edward L. Keenan
To the Editors . . . 275

Contributors to This Issue . . . 277

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