Volume 6, Number 3 (Summer 2005)

From the Editors

Anglophone Russian Studies and the German Question . . . 455


Olga E. Glagoleva
The Illegitimate Children of the Russian Nobility in Law and Practice, 1700–1860 . . . 461

Olga Maiorova
War as Peace: The Trope of War in Russian Nationalist Discourse during the Polish Uprising of 1863 . . . 501

Review Forum: War, Revolution, and the Eastern Front

Francesco Benvenuti
Armageddon Not Averted: Russia’s War, 1914–21 . . . 535

Peter Gatrell
Prisoners of War on the Eastern Front during World War I . . . 557

Review Essays

Theodore R. Weeks
Stalinism and Nationality . . . 567

Steven E. Harris
In Search of “Ordinary” Russia: Everyday Life in the NEP, the Thaw, and the Communal Apartment . . . 583


Alexander M. Martin
Liudmila Mikhailovna Artamonova, Obshchestvo, vlast´ i prosveshchenie v russkoi provintsii XVIII—nachala XIX vv. (Iugo-vostochnye gubernii Evropeiskoi Rossii) (Society, State, and Enlightenment in the Russian Provinces in the 18th–Early 19th Centuries [the Southeast Regions of European Russia]); Irina Paert, Old Believers, Religious Dissent, and Gender in Russia, 1760–1850 . . . 615

Ilya Vinkovetsky
Andrei Val´terovich Grinev, Indeitsy tlinkity v period Russkoi Ameriki, 1741–1867 gg. (The Tlingit Indians in Russian America, 1741–1867); Sergei Kan, Memory Eternal: Tlingit Culture and Russian Orthodox Christianity through Two Centuries; Hermann Ludwig von Löwenstern, The First Russian Voyage around the World: The Journal of Hermann Ludwig von Löwenstern (1803–1806); Andrei A. Znamenski, Shamanism and Christianity: Native Encounters with Russian Orthodox Missions in Siberia and Alaska, 1820–1917; Andrei A. Znamenski, ed. and trans., Through Orthodox Eyes: Russian Missionary Narratives of Travels to the Dena’ina and Ahtna, 1850s–1930s . . .  627

Aleksei Miller
Andreas Kappeler, “Great-Russians” and “Little-Russians”: Russian–Ukrainian Relations and Perceptions in Historical Perspective; Andreas Kappeler, Der schwierige Weg zur Nation: Beiträge zur neueren Geschichte der Ukraine (The Difficult Path to Nationhood: Contributions to the History of Modern Ukraine); Andreas Kappeler, Zenon E. Kohut, Frank E. Sysyn, and Mark von Hagen, eds., Culture, Nation, and Identity: The Ukrainian–Russian Encounter, 1600–1945; Serhii Plokhy, Tsars and Cossaks: A Study in Iconography; Serhii Plokhy and Frank E. Sysyn, Religion and Nation in Modern Ukraine . . . 635

Kirill Rossiianov
Torsten Rüting, Pavlov und der neue Mensch: Diskurse über Disziplinierung in Sowjetrussland (Pavlov and the New Man: The Discourse of Discipline in Soviet Russia); Daniel P. Todes, Pavlov’s Physiology Factory: Experiment, Interpretation, Laboratory Enterprise . . . 647

Hiroaki Kuromiya
I. A. Ioffe and N. K. Petrova, eds., “Molodaia gvardiia” (g. Krasnodon): Khudozhestvennyi obraz i istoricheskaia real´nost´. Sbornik dokumentov i materialov (The “Young Guard” [Krasnodon]: Artistic Image and Historical Reality. A Collection of Documents and Materials) . . . 657

Contributors to This Issue . . . 665

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