Volume 6, Number 2 (Spring 2005)

From the Editors

A Letter from Marc Raeff . . . 255


Daniel Brower and Susan Layton
Liberation through Captivity: Nikolai Shipov’s Adventures in the Imperial Borderlands . . . 259


James F. Brooks
Bondage and Emancipation across Cultural Borderlands: Some Reflections and Extensions . . . 281


Alexander Statiev
The Nature of Anti-Soviet Armed Resistance, 1942–44: The North Caucasus, the Kalmyk Autonomous Republic, and
Crimea . . . 285

Review Forum: Discovering and Appropriating “Russia Abroad”

Marc Raeff
Recent Perspectives on the History of the Russian Emigration (1920–40) . . . 319

Anatol Shmelev
Extremists and Swindlers . . . 335

Review Article

Marci Shore
Conversing with Ghosts: Jedwabne, Żydokomuna, and Totalitarianism . . . 345

Review Essay

Ernest A. Zitser
Post-Soviet Peter: New Histories of the Late Muscovite and Early Imperial Russian Court . . . 375


Barbara Skinner
Valerie A. Kivelson and Robert H. Greene, eds., Orthodox Russia: Belief and Practice under the Tsars; A. I. Pliguzov, Polemika v russkoi tserkvi pervoi treti XVI stoletiia (The Debates in the Russian Church of the First Third of the 16th Century) . . . 393

Daniel Field
Igor´ Anatol´evich Khristoforov, “Aristokraticheskaia” oppozitsiia Velikim reformam (konets 1850–seredina 1870-kh gg.) (“Aristocratic” Opposition to the Great Reforms [Late 1850s–Mid-1870s]) . . . 409

Martina Winkler
Ian M. Helfant, The High Stakes of Identity: Gambling in the Life and Literature of Nineteenth-Century Russia; Natalia Hergett,“Ehre” in der russischen Literatur: Analyse des Begriffs in ausgewählten Werken von Aleksandr S. Puškin (“Honor” in Russian Literature: An Analysis of the Term in Aleksandr S. Pushkin’s Works); Ekaterina E. Dmitrieva and Ol´ga N. Kuptsova, Zhizn´ usadebnogo mifa: Utrachennyi i obretennyi rai (The Myth of the Country Estate: A Paradise Lost and Found) . . . 417

Eric Lohr
Victor Dönninghaus, Die Deutschen in der Moskauer Gesellschaft: Symbiose und Konflikte (1494–1941) (The Germans in Moscow Society: Symbiosis and Conflict [1494–1941]) . . . 425

Heide W. Whelan
Victor Dönninghaus, Revolution, Reform und Krieg: Die Deutschen an der Wolga im ausgehenden Zarenreich (Revolution, Reform, and War: The Germans on the Volga toward the End of the Russian Empire) . . . 431

William Partlett
Evgenii Balashov, Shkola v rossiiskom obshchestve 1917–1927: Stanovlenie “novogo cheloveka” (The School in Russian Society, 1917–1927: The Creation of the “New Person”) . . . 439

In Memoriam

Catherine Evtuhov
Martin Malia (1924–2004) . . . 447

Contributors to This Issue . . . 453

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