Volume 5, Number 4 (Fall 2004)

From the Editors

Post-Post Historiography, or the Trends of the “Naughts” . . . 645

Ex Tempore: Stalinism and the “Great Retreat”

David L. Hoffmann
Was There a “Great Retreat” from Soviet Socialism? Stalinist Culture Reconsidered . . . 651

Evgeny Dobrenko
Socialism as Will and Representation, or What Legacy Are We Rejecting? . . . 675

Jeffrey Brooks
Declassifying a “Classic” . . . 709

Matthew E. Lenoe
In Defense of Timasheff’s Great Retreat . . . 721

David L. Hoffmann
Ideological Ballast and New Directions in Soviet History . . . 731

Review Essays

Theodore R. Weeks
Identity in Late Imperial Russia: Nation, Culture, Politics . . . 735

Frank Wcislo
Sergei Witte and His Times: A Historiographical Note . . . 749

Marc Raeff
Letters across the Ocean . . . 759


Cathy Potter
Iurii Petrovich Zaretskii, Avtobiograficheskie “Ia” ot Avgustina do Avvakuma: Ocherki istorii samosoznaniia evropeiskogo individa (The Autobiographical “I” from Augustine to Avvakum: Essays in the History of Individual Self-Consciousness in Europe) . . . 775

Daniel Kaiser
Nataliia Vadimovna Kozlova, ed., Gorodskaia sem´ia XVIII veka: Semeino-pravovye akty kuptsov i raznochintsev Moskvy (The 18th-Century Urban Family: Legal Documents of Moscow Merchant and Professional Families) . . . 779

Bradley D. Woodworth
El´mira Petrovna Fedosova, Rossiia i Pribaltika: Kul´turnyi dialog. Vtoraia polovina XIX–nachalo XX veka (Russia and the Baltic Region: A Cultural Dialogue, Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries) . . . 791

David Rich
Evgenii Iur´evich Sergeev, “Inaia zemlia, inoe nebo…”: Zapad i voennaia elita Rossii, 1900–1914 gg. (“Another Land, Another Sky”: The West and Russia’s Military Elite, 1900–1914) . . . 797

Michael D. Gordin
Martine Mespoulet, Statistique et révolution en Russie: Un compromis impossible (1880–1930) (Statistics and Revolution in Russia: An Impossible Compromise [1880–1930]); Alain Blum and Martine Mespoulet, L’anarchie bureaucratique: Statistique et pouvoir sous Staline (Bureaucratic Anarchy: Statistics and Power under Stalin) . . . 803

Irina Sirotkina
Manfred Khainemann [Heinemann] and Eduard Kolchinskii, eds., Za “zheleznym zanavesom”: Mify i realii sovetskoi nauki (Behind the “Iron Curtain”: Myths and Realities of Soviet Science); Alexei Kojevnikov, guest editor, in collaboration with Snait Gissis, “Science in Russian Contexts,” special issue of Science in Context; Nikolai Nikolaevich Smirnov, ed., Vlast´ i nauka, uchenye i vlast´: 1880-e–nachalo 1920-kh godov. Materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo kollokviuma (Power and Science, Scientists and Power: 1880s–Early 1920s. Materials of an International Scholarly Colloquium) . . . 811

In Memoriam

Mark D. Steinberg
Reginald E. Zelnik (1936–2004) . . . 819

Contributors to This Issue . . . 827

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