Volume 25, Number 3 (Summer 2024)

From the Editors

The New Scholarship on the Brezhnev Era . . . 475–79


Nikolay Tsyrempilov and Irina Sodnomova

How Did Lamaites Become Buddhists? Buddhist Modernism in Late Imperial Russia . . . 481–512

Anna Whittington

An Anxious Unraveling: Perestroika and the Fracturing of the Soviet People . . . 513–45

State of the Field: The Brezhnev Era

Susanne Schattenberg

A Time of “Normalization” and Change: Research on Brezhnev’s Rule and Domestic Policies . . . 547–66

Rósa Magnúsdóttir

Practicing Internationalism: The Cold War and Soviet Superpower Ambitions, 1964–82 . . . 567–80

Artemy M. Kalinovsky

The “Soviet South” in the Brezhnev Era . . . 581–608


Juliane Fürst

On the Cusp of Change? Thoughts on the Roundtable about the Brezhnev Years . . . 609–24

Review Essays

Willard Sunderland

Got Civilization? Empire and the Empress in the 18th Century . . . 625–35

Paul W. Werth

Fragmentation and Integration in an Economic Key . . . 636–43

Alexander V. Reznik

The Russian Civil War after 100 Years: Within and Beyond the Historiographical Front Lines . . . 644–58

Orel Beilinson

How Do You Say “Entangled and Transnational Histories” in Arabic? . . . 659–67

In Memoriam

Evgeny Dobrenko

Katerina Clark (1941–2024): Literary History as a Device . . . 668–75

Michael David-Fox

Katerina Clark’s Ecosystem . . . 676–82

Contributors to This Issue . . . 683–85

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