Volume 20, Number 3 (Summer 2019)

From the Editors

An Interview with Kate Brown . . .  437

Forum: Crime, Labor, and Justice in the Wartime USSR

Oleg Budnitskii

The Great Terror of 1941: Toward a History of Wartime Stalinist Criminal Justice . . .  447

Oleg V. Khlevniuk

Deserters from the Labor Front: The Limits of Coercion in the Soviet War Economy . . .  481


Alexander V. Maiorov

Byzantine Imperial Purple in Ancient Rus´  . . . 505

Laurie Manchester

Fusing Russian Nationalism with Soviet Patriotism: Changing Conceptions of Homeland and the Mass Repatriation of Manchurian Russians after Stalin’s Death  . . .  529

History and Historians: Reflections on Women’s History

Introduction . . .  559

Barbara Engel

“In the Beginning” . . . 565

Eve Levin

A Journey through Feminism . . . 571

Natalia Pushkareva

My Women’s History, My Memory . . . 577

David L. Ransel

A Side Door to Women’s History . . .  583

Christine D. Worobec

A Circuitous Path . . . 591

Review Essays

Michael Hancock-Parmer

Flight and Famine: Interrogating Collectivization, Stalinism, and Genocide  . . . 601

Eleonory Gilburd

Seminal Years and the Long Arc of the Moral Universe  . . . 613


Steven Seegel

The Enlightenment in Russia and Points West  . . . 627

Boris Ganichev

Seeing the Russian Empire through an Ottoman Prism  . . . 634

Adeeb Khalid

Cottonizing Central Asia . . .  644

Rósa Magnúsdóttir

Truth and Lies across the Iron Curtain  . . . 649

Oscar Sanchez-Sibony

The Struggle for a Political Economy from Gorbachev to Putin  . . . 655

In Memoriam

Alain Blum and Françoise Daucé

Larissa Zakharova (1977–2019) . . .  662

Contributors to This Issue  . . . 673

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