Volume 20, Number 2 (Spring 2019)

From the Editors

“The Year That Changed the World”? . . .  221

Erratum . . . 226

Forum: Oral History and Memory in Soviet Central Asia

Jeff Sahadeo

Introduction  . . .  227

Marianne Kamp

Hunger and Potatoes: The 1933 Famine in Uzbekistan and Changing Foodways . . .  237

Adrienne L. Edgar

What to Name the Children? Oral Histories of Ethnically Mixed Families in Soviet Kazakhstan and Tajikistan . . .  269

Ali Igmen

Gender and National Identity in Memories of the Late 20th-Century Soviet Theater in Kyrgyzstan  . . .  291


Evgenii A. Krestiannikov

Along the Routes of Justice: Judicial Circuit Riding in Western Siberia during the Late Imperial Period  . . .  315

Review Essays

Alexander E. Balistreri

Writer, Rebel, Soldier, Shaykh: Border Crossers in the Historiography of the Modern Caucasus  . . .  345

Christine E. Evans

Stirlitz in Washington? What “Stagnation” Tells Us Now  . . .  365


Lynn Ellen Patyk

Reading, Writing, and Realism in 19th-Century Russia  . . .  377

Alexander Morrison

Convicts and Concentration Camps  . . .  390

Oksana Bulgakowa

The Other History of Soviet Cinema . . .  404

Joshua Rubenstein

Unearthing the Holocaust on the Russian Front  . . .  409

Susanne Schattenberg

Brezhnev’s Memos as a Source  . . .  421

Walter Sperling

Moscow, Maidan, and the Politics of Russia’s “Glorious Past”  . . .  430


Ben Eklof and Tatiana Saburova

To the Editors  . . .  433

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  435

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