Volume 2, Number 3 (Summer 2001)
Special Issue: Negotiating Cultural Upheavals. Cultural Politics and Memory in 20th-Century Russia
From the Editors
Russophobia and the American Politics of Russian History . . . 465
Sheila Fitzpatrick
Making a Self for the Times: Impersonation and Imposture in 20th-Century Russia . . . 469
Leonid Livak
Making Sense of Exile: Russian Literary Life in Paris as a Cultural Construct, 1920–40 . . . 489
Ruth Rischin
In the Shades of Spain: Gor´kii’s Last Legacy to Hebrew Literature . . . 513
Katerina Clark
Germanophone Intellectuals in Stalin’s Russia: Diaspora and Cultural Identity in the 1930s . . . 529
Stephen V. Bittner
Remembering the Avant-garde: Moscow Architects and the “Rehabilitation” of Constructivism, 1961–64 . . . 553
Denis Kozlov
The Historical Turn in Late Soviet Culture: Retrospectivism, Factography, Doubt, 1953–91 . . . 577
Michael David-Fox
Cultural Memory in the Century of Upheaval: Big Pictures and Snapshots . . . 601
Review Essays
Josh Sanborn
What’s New in Russian Military History and Why You Should Care . . . 615
Richard G. Robbins, Jr.
Vladimir Dzhunkovskii: Witness for the Defense . . . 635
Jarmo Kotilaine
Vladimir Alekseevich Varentsov, Gennadii Mikhailovich Kovalenko, and Valentin Lavrent´evich Ianin, eds., Tamozhennye knigi Velikogo Novgoroda 1610–11 i 1613–14 godov; Andrei Viktorovich Iurasov, ed., Tamozhennye knigi goroda Velikikh Luk 1669–1676 gg.; Dmitrii Iakovlevich Rezun, Z. V. Bashkatova, and I. R. Sokolovskii, eds., Tamozhennye knigi sibirskikh gorodov XVII veka, vols. 1–2 . . . 655
Cecilia Ghetti
Sergio Bertolissi, Un paese sull’orlo delle riforme: La Russia zarista dal 1861 al 1904; Viktoriia Maksimovna Khevrolina, Vlast´ i obshchestvo: Bor´ba v Rossii po voprosam vneshnei politiki. 1878–1894 gg . . . 664
Daniel Orlovsky
Vladimir Prokhorovich Buldakov, Krasnaia smuta: Priroda i posledstviia revoliutsionnogo nasiliia . . . 675
David R. Stone
Oleg Fedotovich Suvenirov, Tragediia RKKA, 1937–1938 . . . 680
Brian Kassof
Arlen Viktorovich Blium, Sovetskaia tsenzura v epokhu total´nogo terrora, 1929–1953 . . . 689
In Memoriam
Robert Crummey
Hans-Joachim Torke, 1938–2000 . . . 697
Contributors to This Issue . . . 704