Volume 2, Number 1 (Winter 2001)

From the Editors

The Herd Mentality and Russian Studies  . . .  1

Forum: Christianity and Bolshevism

Avram Brown

The Bolshevik Rejection of the “Revolutionary Christ” and Dem´ian Bednyi’s The Flawless New Testament of the Evangelist Dem´ian  . . .  5

Igal Halfin

The Demonization of the Opposition: Stalinist Memory and the “Communist Archive” at Leningrad Communist
University  . . .  45


Robert C. Williams

Orthodoxy and Eschatology in Post-Bolshevik Culture  . . .  81


Theodore R. Weeks

Religion and Russification: Russian Language in the Catholic Churches of the “Northwest Provinces” after 1863  . . .  87

Stephen Kotkin

Modern Times: The Soviet Union and the Interwar Conjuncture  . . .  111

Review Essay

Alexander Etkind

Russian Sects Still Seem Obscure  . . .  165


Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter

B. N. Mironov, Sotsial´naia istoriia Rossii perioda imperii (XVIII–nachalo XX v.) Genezis lichnosti, demokraticheskoi
sem´i, grazhdanskogo obshchestva i pravovogo gosudarstva
 . . .  183

Susan P. McCaffray

V. I. Bovykin, ed., Inostrannoe predprinimatel´stvo i zagranichnye investitsii v Rossii.  Ocherki; V. I. Bovykin,  Frantsuzskie banki v Rossii. Konets XIX–nachalo XX v.; Jonathan A. Grant, Big Business in Russia: The Putilov Company in Late Imperial Russia, 1868–1917  . . .  190

Eric Lohr

N. N. Smirnov et al., eds. Rossiia i pervaia mirovaia voina (Materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo kollokviuma)  . . .  196

Gábor T. Rittersporn

E. V. Kodin, “Smolenskii Arkhiv” i amerikanskaia sovetologiia  . . .  204

Jan Plamper

A. N. Artizov and O. N. Naumov, eds., Vlast´ i khudozhestvennaia intelligentsiia; E. S. Gromov, Stalin: vlast´ i iskusstvo;
L. V. Maksimenkov, Sumbur vmesto muzyki. Stalinskaia kul´turnaia revoliutsiia 1936–1938  . . .  211

To the Editors

David Kerans  . . .  219

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  223

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