Volume 19, Number 1 (Winter 2018)

From the Editors

Visions of Russian Culture and Politics: Images as Historical Sources . . . 1

Forum: Depicting and Crafting the Ideology of Muscovite Tsardom

Brian J. Boeck

Problems and Possibilities of a “New” Muscovite Source . . . 9

Sergei Bogatyrev

Three Takes on One Legend: Polyphony in Muscovite Court Culture . . . 17

Nancy S. Kollmann

The Litsevoi Svod as Graphic Novel: Narrativity in Iconographic Style . . . 53

Isolde Thyrêt

Visualizing the Literary Image of Muscovite Royal Wives: Grand Princess Evdokiia in the Skazanie vmale in the Chronicles of Ivan IV’s Reign . . . 83


Joan Neuberger

Not a Film but a Nightmare: Revisiting Stalin’s Response to Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible, Part II . . . 115

Alexis Peri

The Art of Revision: How Vera Inber Scripted the Siege and Her Self during World War II . . . 143

Review Article

Oleg Budnitskii

A Harvard Project in Reverse: Materials of the Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the History of the Great Patriotic War—Publications and Interpretations . . . 175

Review Essay

Ryan Tucker Jones

Approaching Russian History from European Seas . . . 203


Austin Jersild

Sino-Soviet Relations, Decolonization, and the Global Cold War . . . 217

Bathsheba Demuth

Soviet Environment, Capitalist World . . . 225


Nana Tuntiya

To the Editors . . .  231

Response by Alexandra Oberländer

Contributors to This Issue . . . 234

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