Volume 18, Number 1 (Winter 2017) – Images
S. Iutkevich, “For Eastern films the script is clear: daggers aplenty, but no East here!”
Kino, 12 Jan. 1926
Sergei Iutkevich and Zhosef Kliment’evich Martov filming in Ankara
RGALI f. 3070, op. 1, d. 102, l. 44
A still from “Ankara,” with Ismet Pasha delivering a speech for the camera
RGALI f. 3070, op. 1, d. 101, l. 91
Pupil selected for closeup during the filming of “Idet novaia Turtsiia”
RGALI, f. 3035, op. 1, d. 18, l. 24
Classroom photograph taken during the production of “Idet novaia Turtsiia”
RGALI f. 3035, op. 1, d. 18, l. 26
Esfir’ Shub, with her back to the camera, supervising filming in a Turkish classroom
RGALI, f. 3035, op. 1, d. 18, l. 23