“All Forces for Destruction of the Enemy!”
Courtesy of Ne boltai! Collection.
1942 Lottery Ticket
Owned by Kristy Ironside. Reproduced with permission.
1944 Lottery Ticket
Owned by Kristy Ironside. Reproduced with permission.
“To reel back the enemy quicker, to strike heavy blows, hold on to every Soviet ruble, don’t squander even a kopeck!”
Courtesy of Ne boltai! Collection.
Frontispiece of a Triodon (L’viv, 1664)
Frontispiece of Nebo novoe (L’viv, 1665)
Image of Mary, Orthodox Church Fathers, and the Elders of the Elets Monastery, Skarbnitsa (Slavonic edition), Novhorod Sivirs’k, 1676
Image of the Passion of Christ from the Polish edition of Skarbnitsa, Skarb pochwaly, Novhorod Sivirs’k, 1676
Versified Prayer with Acrostic, Skarb pochwaly, Novhorod Sivirs ́k, 1676
Versified Prayer with Acrostic, Skarb pochwaly, Novhorod Sivirs ́k, 1676