Volume 13, Number 4 (Fall 2012)
From the Editors
Russian History and the Digital Age . . . 765
Alexander Statiev
“La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas!” Once Again on the 28 Panfilov Heroes . . . 769
Zbigniew Wojnowski
De-Stalinization and Soviet Patriotism: Ukrainian Reactions to East European Unrest in 1956 . . . 799
Erik R. Scott
Edible Ethnicity: How Georgian Cuisine Conquered the Soviet Table . . . 831
Forum: Local and Regional Administration
Paul W. Werth
A “Provincial” Forum . . . 859
Sergei Liubichankovskii
Local Administration in and after the Reform Era: Mechanisms of Authority and Their Efficacy in Russia . . . 861
Catherine Evtuhov
Voices from the Regions: Kraevedenie Meets the Grand Narrative . . . 877
Susanne Schattenberg
Max Weber in the Provinces: Measuring Imperial Russia by Modern Standards . . . 889
Review Article
Mara Kozelsky
The Crimean War, 1853–56 . . . 903
Review Essays
Alexander Morrison
The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Colonial Comparisons . . . 919
Andreas Oberender
Stalin’s Postwar Foreign Policy . . . 937
Review Forum: Debating Prince A. M. Kurbskii
Sergei Bogatyrev
Normalizing the Debate about Kurbskii? . . . 951
Brian J. Boeck
Miscellanea Attributed to Kurbskii: The 17th Century in Russia Was More Creative Than We Like to Admit . . . 955
Alexander Filjushkin
Putting Kurbskii in His Rightful Place . . . 964
Carolyn J. Pouncy
Bulat Raimovich Rakhimzianov, Kasimovskoe khanstvo (1445–1552 gg.): Ocherki istorii (The Khanate of Kasimov [1445–1552]: Essays in History); Vadim Vintserovich Trepavlov, Zolotaia orda v XIV stoletii (The Golden Horde in the 14th Century) . . . 975
Brian Davies
Brian J. Boeck, Imperial Boundaries: Cossack Communities and Empire-Building in the Age of Peter the Great; Oleg Iur´evich Kuts, Donskoe kazachestvo v period ot vziatiia Azova do vystupleniia S. Razina, 1637–1667 (The Don Cossacks from the Taking of Azov to the Razin Uprising, 1637–67); Aleksei Gennad´evich Shkvarov, Russkaia tserkov´ i kazachestvo v epokhu Petra I (The Russian Church and the Cossacks in the Age of Peter I) . . . 983
Richard Wortman
Anatolii Viktorovich Remnev, Samoderzhavnoe pravitel´stvo: Komitet ministrov v sisteme vysshego upravleniia Rossiiskoi imperii (vtoraia polovina XIX–nachalo XX veka) (Autocratic Government: The Committee of Ministers in the Russian Empire’s System of Higher Administration in the Second Half of the 19th and the Early 20th Centuries) . . . 993
Barbara Evans Clements
Barbara Alpern Engel, Breaking the Ties That Bound: The Politics of Marital Strife in Late Imperial Russia; A. A. Il´iukhov, Prostitutsiia v Rossii s XVII veka do 1917 goda (Prostitution in Russia from the 17th Century to 1917); Sharon A. Kowalsky, Deviant Women: Female Crime and Criminology in Revolutionary Russia, 1880–1930 . . . 1006
Contributors to This Issue . . . 1012