Procession of Muscovites to Bless the Waters
Adam Olearius (1727), reproduced with permission.
Copper Five-Kopeck Coin, Reign of Catherine II, Back
Original photograph supplied by Maureen Perrie.
Copper Five-Kopeck Coin, Reign of Catherine II, Front
Original photograph supplied by Maureen Perrie.
Charles Rosenthal, “12 Commentaries on Suprematism, #3” (dated 1936 in “An Alternative History of Art”)
From the personal collection of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, reprinted with their permission.
Ilya Kabakov, “A Ski Outing” (dated 1973 in “An Alternative History of Art”)
From the personal collection of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, reprinted with their permission.
Igor Spivak, “Parade on Red Square” (dated 1997 in “An Alternative History of Art”)
From the personal collection of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, reprinted with their permission.
Dmitrii Gotov, “Russian Culture Torture” (2001)
Reprinted with the permission of Dmitrii Gotov.