Volume 10, Number 2 (Spring 2009)

From the Editors

An Interview with Alfred J. Rieber . . . 227


Alison K. Smith
National Cuisine and Nationalist Politics: V. F. Odoevskii and “Doctor Puf,” 1844–45 . . . 239

Vera Tolz
Imperial Scholars and Minority Nationalisms in Late Imperial and Early Soviet Russia . . . 261

Review Essays

Francis Butler
Four Perspectives on “Old Russia” (Rus´) . . . 291

Scott M. Kenworthy
Monasticism in Russian History . . . 307

Richard Bidlack
Lifting the Blockade on the Blockade: New Research on the Siege of Leningrad . . . 333


Sergei Bogatyrev
Andrei Alekseevich Bulychev, Mezhdu sviatymi i demonami: Zametki o posmertnoi sud´be opal´nykh tsaria Ivana Groznogo [Between Saints and Demons: Observations on the Posthumous Fate of Those Condemned by Tsar Ivan the Terrible]; Viacheslav Valentinovich Shaposhnik, Ivan Groznyi: Pervyi russkii tsar´ [Ivan the Terrible: The First Russian Tsar] . . . 353

Mary W. Cavender
Andrei Iur´evich Andreev, Russkie studenty v nemetskikh universitetakh XVIII–pervoi poloviny XIX veka [Russian Students in German Universities in the 18th and First Half of the 19th Centuries]; Ol´ga Iu. Solodiankina, Inostrannye guvernantki v Rossii (vtoraia polovina XVIII–pervaia polovina XIX vekov) [Foreign Governesses in Russia (Second Half of the 18th and First Half of the 19th Centuries)] . . . 362

Eileen Kane
Oleg Rudol´fovich Airapetov, Vneshniaia politika Rossiiskoi imperii, 1801–1914 [The Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, 1801–1914]; Ronald P. Bobroff, Roads to Glory: Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits . . . 368

Stephan Merl
David Feest, Zwangskollektivierung im Baltikum: Die Sowjetisierung des estnischen Dorfes 1944–1953 [Forced Collectivization in the Baltics: The Sovietization of the Estonian Village, 1944–53] . . . 376

Amir Weiner
Vasily S. Grossman, A Writer at War: Vasily Grossman with the Red Army, 1941-1945, trans. and ed. Antony Beevor and Luba Vinogradova . . . 387

Sheila Fitzpatrick
Julia Herzberg und Christoph Schmidt, eds., Vom Wir zum Ich: Individuum und Autobiographik im Zarenreich [From We to I: The Individual and the Autobiographical Genre in the Tsarist Empire]; Brigitte Studer and Heiko Haumann, eds., Stalinistische Subjekte/Sujets staliniens/Stalinist Subjects: Individuum und System in der Sowjetunion
und der Komintern
, 1929–1953 [Individual and System in the Soviet Union and the Comintern, 1929–53] . . . 398

Lewis Siegelbaum
Timothy Colton, Yeltsin, A Life . . . 406

Contributors to This Issue . . . 412

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