Volume 10, Number 1 (Winter 2009)

From the Editors

Failing the Grade: The Craze for Ranking Humanities Journals  . . . 1


Dana Sherry
Social Alchemy on the Black Sea Coast, 1860–65 . . . 7

Felix Wemheuer
Regime Changes of Memory: Creating the Official History of the Ukrainian and Chinese Famines under State Socialism and after the Cold War . . . 31

Karel C. Berkhoff
“Total Annihilation of the Jewish Population”: The Holocaust in 
the Soviet Media, 1941–45 . . . 61

Review Forum: Occupiers and Eyewitnesses—The Holocaust in the East

Catherine Epstein
Nazi Occupation Strategies . . . 107

David Shneer
Probing the Limits of Documentation . . . 121

Zoё Waxman
The Unknown Black Book . . . 135

Review Article

Claudio Sergio Nun Ingerflom 
Lenin Rediscovered, or Lenin Redisguised? . . . 139


David Goldfrank 
Tom E. Dykstra, Russian Monastic Culture, “Josephism,” and the Iosifo-Volokolamsk Monastery, 1479–1607; Nikolai Konstantinovich Nikol´skii, Kirillo-Belozerskii monastyr´ i ego ustroistvo do vtoroi chetverti XVII veka (1397–1625) [The Kirillo-Belozerskii Monastery and Its Organization up to the Second Quarter of the 17th Century (1397–1625)], 2 . . . 169

Paul Keenan
Tat´iana Vladimirovna Artem´eva, Ot slavnogo proshlogo k svetlomu budushchemu: filosofiia istorii i utopiia v Rossii epokhi Prosveshcheniia [From a Glorious Past to a Bright Future: Philosophy of History and Utopia in Russia in the Age of Enlightenment]; Vera Proskurina, Mify imperii: Literatura i vlast´ v epokhu Ekateriny II [Myths of Empire: Literature and Power in the Age of Catherine II] . . . 176

Chris J. Chulos
M. A. Babkin, ed., Rossiiskoe dukhovenstvo i sverzhenie monarkhii v 1917 godu: Materialy i arkhivnye dokumenty po istorii Russkoi pravoslavnoi tserkvi [The Russian Clergy and the Downfall of the Monarchy in 1917: Materials and Archival Documents on the History of the Russian Orthodox Church]; Iu. E. Kondakov, Gosudarstvo i pravoslavnaia tserkov´ v Rossii: Evoliutsiia otnoshenii v pervoi polovine XIX veka [The State and the Orthodox Church in Russia: The Evolution of Relations in the First Half of the 19th Century]; Mark D. Steinberg and Heather J. Coleman, eds., Sacred Stories: Religion and Spirituality in Modern Russia; Sergei I. Zhuk, Russia’s Lost Reformation: Peasants, Millennialism, and Radical Sects in Southern Russia and Ukraine, 1830–1917 . . . 184

Deborah Yalen
Arkadii Zel´tser, Evrei sovetskoi provintsii: Vitebsk i mestechki 1917–1941 [Jews of the Soviet Provinces: Vitebsk and the Shtetls, 1917–41] . . . 194

Stephen Lovell
Evgenii Dobrenko, Politekonomiia sotsrealizma, trans. as Evgeny Dobrenko, Political Economy of Socialist Realism by Jesse M. Savage; Katharina Kucher, Der Gorki-Park: Freizeitkultur im Stalinismus 1928–1941 [Gor´kii Park: Leisure Culture under Stalinism, 1928-41]; Svetlana Iur´evna Malysheva, Sovetskaia prazdnichnaia kul´tura v provintsii: Prostranstvo, simvoly, istoricheskie mify (1917–1927) [Soviet Festival Culture in the Provinces: Space, Symbols, Historical Myths, 1917-27] . . . 205

In Memoriam

Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter
Marc Raeff (1923–2008): “A Pebble in the Water” . . . 216


Orlando Figes
To the Editors . . . 221

Antony Beevor
To the Editors . . . 223

Contributors to This Issue . . . 225

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