Volume 1, Number 3 (Summer 2000)

From the Editors

Reviewing Reviews  . . .  443

Articles and Reactions

Malte Rolf

Constructing a Soviet Time: Bolshevik Festivals and Their Rivals during the First Five-Year Plan. A Study of the Central Black Earth Region  . . .  447

Richard Stites (Reaction)

Festivals of Collusion? Provincial Days in the 1930s  . . .  475

Galina S. Rylkova

A Silver Lining to the Russian Clouds: Remembering the Silver Age in the 1920s and 1930s  . . .  481

Caryl Emerson (Reaction)

Memory, Indestructible as the Eternal Metals: Three Russian Views  . . .  501

G. M. Hamburg

Remembering Natal´ia Pirumova: On Writing History in the Stalin and Post-Stalin Eras  . . .  507

Review Essays

Austin Jersild

“Russia,” from the Vistula to the Terek to the Amur  . . .  531

Heather J. Coleman

Atheism versus Secularization? Religion in Soviet Russia, 1917–61  . . .  547

Andreas Langenohl

History between Politics and Public: Historiography, Collective Memory, and the “Archival Revolution” in Russia . . .  559


Richard Hellie

Arkadii Georgievich Man´kov,  Zakonodatel´stvo i pravo Rossii vtoroi poloviny XVII v.  . . .  571

Martin Aust

Oleg Ivanovich Chistiakov and T. E. Novitskaia, eds., Reformy Aleksandra II; Liubov´ Fedorovna Pisar´kova, Moskovskaia Gorodskaia Duma, 1863–1917; Anatolii Filippovich Smirnov, Gosudarstvennaia Duma Rossiiskoi Imperii,
 . . .  578

S. A. Smith

Martin Malia, Russia under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum; Iu. S. Borisov, A. V. Golubev, M. M. Kudukina, and V. A. Nevezhin, eds., Rossiia i Zapad: Formirovanie vneshnepoliticheskikh stereotipov v soznanii rossiiskogo obshchestva pervoi poloviny XX veka  . . .  586

Michael S. Gorham

Orlando Figes and Boris Kolonitskii, Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of 1917  . . .  597

Donald Filtzer

V. F. Zima, Golod v SSSR, 1946–1947 godov: Proiskhozhdenie i posledstviia  . . .  603

Brian Baer

Laurie Essig, Queer in Russia: A Story of Sex, Self, and the Other; Lev Samoilov (pseud.), Perevernutyi mir; David Tuller, Cracks in the Iron Closet: Travels in Gay and Lesbian Russia  . . .  611

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  619

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