Volume 8, Number 4 (Fall 2007)

From the Editors

Premodern Lessons for Modern Historians . . . 711


Laurie Manchester
Commonalities of Modern Political Discourse: Three Paths of Modern Activism in Late Imperial Russia’s Alternative Intelligentsia . . . 715

Vladimir Solonari
Patterns of Violence: The Local Population and the Mass Murder of Jews in Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, July–August 1941 . . . 749

James Heinzen
Informers and the State under Late Stalinism: Informant Networks and Crimes against “Socialist Property,” 1940–53 . . . 789

Review Forum: Aleksandr Zimin and the Igor´ Tale

Edward L. Keenan
The Long-Awaited Book and the Bykovskii Hypothesis . . . 817

Norman W. Ingham
Historians and Textology . . . 831

Review Article

Daniel R. Brower
Peopling the Empires: Practices, Perceptions, Policies . . . 841

Review Essay

Lars T. Lih
1905 and All That: The Revolution and Its Aftermath . . . 861


Gregory L. Freeze
Carsten Goehrke, Russischer Alltag: Eine Geschichte in neun Zeitbildern vom Frühmittelalter bis zur Gegewart (Russian Everyday Life: A History in Nine Time-Pictures from the Early Middle Ages to the Present), 3 vols. . . . 877

Charles J. Halperin
Valerie Kivelson, Cartographies of Tsardom: The Land and Its Meanings in Seventeenth-Century Russia; Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Soboleva, Ocherki istorii rossiiskoi simvoliki: Ot tamgi do simvolov gosudarstvennogo suvereniteta [Essays on the History of Russian Symbolics: From Clan Symbol to Symbols of State Sovereignty] . . . 887

Philip Boobbyer
Lesley Chamberlain, The Philosophy Steamer: Lenin and the Exile of the Intelligentsia; S. L. Frank, Saratovskii tekst [Saratov Text]; Paul Gundersen, Paul Nicolay of Monrepos: A European with a Difference . . . 897

Golfo Alexopoulos
Sofiia Chuikina, Dvorianskaia pamiat´: “Byvshie” v sovetskom gorode. Leningrad, 1920e–1930e gody (Noble Memory: “Former People” in the Soviet City. Leningrad, 1920s–30s) . . . 904

Sergey Radchenko
Sergo Mikoian, Anatomiia Karibskogo krizisa (The Anatomy of the Caribbean [Cuban Missile] Crisis) . . . 910

In Memoriam

Ronald Grigor Suny
Daniel Brower (1936–2007) . . .  915

Contributors to This Issue . . . 919

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