Volume 7, Number 4 (Fall 2006)

From the Editors

The Imperial Turn . . . 705


George G. Weickhardt
Muscovite Judicial Duels as a Legal Fiction . . . 713

Nathaniel Knight
Was the Intelligentsia Part of the Nation? Visions of Society in Post-Emancipation Russia . . . 733

Douglas R. Weiner
Dzherzhinskii and the Gerd Case: The Politics of Intercession and the Evolution of “Iron Felix” in NEP Russia . . . 759

Irina Paperno
Dreams of Terror: Dreams from Stalinist Russia as a Historical Source . . . 793

Review Essays

Konstantin Shneider
Was There an “Early Russian Liberalism”? Perspectives from Russian and Anglo-American Historiography . . . 825

Paul W. Werth
Toward “Freedom of Conscience”: Catholicism, Law, and the Contours of Religious Liberty in Late Imperial Russia . . . 843

Adeeb Khalid
Between Empire and Revolution: New Work on Soviet Central Asia . . . 865


Steve Smith
Reginald E. Zelnik, The Perils of Pankratova: Some Stories from the Annals of Soviet Historiography . . . 885

Richard Taruskin
Boris M. Gasparov, Five Operas and a Symphony: Words and Music in Russian Culture . . . 893

Theodore R. Weeks
Arnold Bartetzky, Marina Dmitrieva, and Stefan Troebst, eds., Neue Staaten—neue Bilder? Visuelle Kultur im Dienst staatlicher Selbstdarstellung in Zentral- und Osteuropa seit 1918 (New States—New Images? Visual Culture in the Service of State Self-Representation in Central and Eastern Europe since 1918) . . . 899

Lars T. Lih
Marc Angenot, Jules Guesde, ou: Le Marxisme orthodoxe (Jules Guesde, or Orthodox Marxism) . . . 905

John Connelly
Richard Overy, The Dictators: Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia . . . 919

In Memoriam

Edward L. Keenan
Omeljan Pritsak (1919–2006) . . . 931

Contributors to This Issue . . . 937

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