Volume 6, Number 4 (Fall 2005)

From the Publisher

Critical Mass and the Economics of Kritika . . . 667

Forum: Audience and Society in the Post-Stalin Period

Susan E. Reid
In the Name of the People: The Manège Affair Revisited . . . 673

Catriona Kelly
“Thank You for the Wonderful Book”: Soviet Child Readers and the Management of Children’s Reading, 1950–75 . . . 717


Jan Plamper
Cultural Production, Cultural Consumption: Post-Stalin Hybrids . . . 755


Pavel Polian
Soviet-Jewish Prisoners of War: The First Victims of the Holocaust . . . 763


Karel C. Berkhoff
The Mass Murder of Soviet Prisoners of War and the Holocaust: How Were They Related? . . . 789


Marina Sorokina
People and Procedures: Toward a History of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in the USSR . . . 797

Review Forum: Josef Dobrovský and the Igor´ Tale

Simon Franklin
The Igor´ Tale: A Bohemian Rhapsody? . . . 833

Hugh L. Agnew
Josef Dobrovský: Enlightened Hyper-Critic or Pre-Romantic Forger? . . . 845


Sergei Bogatyrev
Nikolai Mikhailovich Rogozhin, Posol´skii prikaz: Kolybel´ rossiiskoi diplomatii (The Foreign Chancellery: Cradle of Russian Diplomacy) . . . 857

Hubertus Jahn
Evgenii Viktorovich Dukov, ed., Razvlekatel´naia kul´tura Rossii XVIII–XIX vv.: Ocherki istorii i teorii (The Culture of Entertainment in Russia, 18th–19th Centuries: Essays in History and Theory); Stephen Lovell, Summerfolk: A History of the Dacha, 1710–2000; Louise McReynolds, Russia at Play: Leisure Activities at the End of the Tsarist Era . . . 863

Susan Smith-Peter
Viktor Arkad´evich Berdinskikh, Uezdnye istoriki: Russkaia provintsial´naia istoriografiia (District Historians: Russian Provincial Historiography) . . . 873

Paul W. Werth
Ekaterina Petrovna Barinova, Vlast´ i pomestnoe dvorianstvo Rossii v nachale XX veka (The State and the Landholding Nobility in Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century); Chris J. Chulos, Converging Worlds: Religion and Community in Peasant Russia, 1861–1917 . . . 879

Adele Lindenmeyr
Anastasiia Sergeevna Tumanova, Samoderzhavie i obshchestvennye organizatsii v Rossii 1905–1917 gody (Autocracy and Civic Organizations in Russia, 1905–1917) . . . 889


Daniel Brower
To the Editors . . . 897

Contributors to This Issue . . . 899

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