Volume 5, Number 2 (Spring 2004)

From the Editors

e-Kritika . . . 241

Forum: Reinterpreting Russification in Late Imperial Russia

Mikhail Dolbilov
Russification and the the Bureaucratic Mind in the Russian Empire’s Northwestern Region in the 1860s . . . 245

Darius Staliunas
Did the Government seek to Russify Lithuanians and Poles in the Northwest Territory after the Uprising of 1863-64? . . . 273


Andreas Kappeler
The Ambiguities of Russification . . . 291

Review Forum: The Secret Police and State Socialism—From Cheka to Stasi

Stuart Finkel
An Intensification of Vigilance: Recent Perspectives on the Institutional History of the Soviet Security Apparatus in the
1920s . . . 299

Catherine Epstein
The Stasi: New Research on the East German Ministry of State Security . . . 321

Review Essays

Mariia Degtiareva
Joseph de Maistre between Russia and the West . . . .349

Harsha Ram
Modernism on the Periphery: Literary Life in Post-Revolutionary Tbilisi . . . 367


Donald Ostrowski
Anton Anatol′evich Gorskii, Moskva i Orda (Moscow and the Horde) . . . 383

Frank E. Sysyn
Andrew Wilson, The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation . . . 387

David M. Goldfrank
Kirill Evgen′evich Cherevko, Zarozhdenie russko-iaponskikh otnoshenii XVII–XIX veka (The Beginnings of Russo-Japanese Relations, 17th–19th Centuries); David Schimmelpenninck van de Oye, Toward the Rising Sun: Russian Ideologies of Empire and the Path to War with Japan . . . 401

Marina Mogilner
Lynn Mally, Revolutionary Acts: Amateur Theater and the Soviet State, 1917–1938; Julie A. Cassiday, The Enemy on Trial: Early Soviet Courts on Stage and Screen . . . 415

Ludmila Stern
Sabine Dullin, Des hommes d’influences: Les ambassadeurs de Staline en Europe, 1930–1939 (Men of Influence: Stalin’s Ambassadors to Europe, 1930–39) . . . 429

Kathleen E. Smith
William Taubman, Khrushchev: The Man and His Era; L. B. Brusilovskaia, Kul′tura povsednevnosti v epokhu “ottepeli”: Metamorfozy stilia (The Culture of Everyday Life during the “Thaw”: Metamorphosis of Style); O. V. Edel’man, ed., 5810: Nadzornye proizvodstva prokuratury SSSR po delam ob antisovetskoi agitatsii i propagande (5810: Prosecutorial Oversight of Anti-Soviet Agitation and Propaganda. An Annotated Catalogue, March 1953–1991) . . . 437

Contributors to This Issue . . . 445

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