Volume 3, Number 1 (Winter 2002)

From the Editors

11 September 2001: The Return of History  . . .  1


Sara Dickinson

Russia’s First “Orient”: Characterizing the Crimea in 1787  . . .  3

Austin Jersild and Neli Melkadze

The Dilemmas of Enlightenment in the Eastern Borderlands: The Theater and Library in Tbilisi  . . .  27

Serhy Yekelchyk

Stalinist Patriotism as Imperial Discourse: Reconciling the Ukrainian and Russian “Heroic Pasts,” 1939–45  . . .  51


Daniel Brower

Whose Cultures?  . . .  81

Review Article

Aleksandr I. Filiushkin

Post-Modernism and the Study of the Russian Middle Ages  . . .  89

Review Essay

Rafaella Faggionato

New and Old Works on Russian Freemasonry  . . .  111


Anna Gessen and Marshall Poe

Pavel Vladimirovich Lukin, Narodnye predstavleniia o gosudarstvennoi vlasti v Rossii XVII veka  . . .  129

Andrew Gentes

Pavel Levonovich Kazarian, Iakutiia v sisteme politicheskoi ssylki Rossii 1826–1917 gg.; Leonid Mikhailovich Goriushkin, ed., Politicheskaia ssylka v Sibiri: Nerchinskaia katorga  . . .  140

Erik Landis

Arno J. Mayer, The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions  . . .  152

Frederick C. Corney

Sergei Viktorovich Iarov, Gorozhanin kak politik: Revoliutsiia, voennyi kommunizm i NEP glazami Petrogradtsev; idem, Proletarii kak politik: Politicheskaia psikhologiia rabochikh Petrograda v 1917–1923 gg.; idem, Krest´ianin kak politik: Krest´ianstvo Severo-Zapada Rossii v 1918–1919 gg. Politicheskoe myshlenie i massovyi protest . . .  164

Michael David-Fox

Irina Nikolaevna Il´ina, Obshchestvennye organizatsii Rossii v 1920-e gody . . .  173

Adrienne Lynn Edgar

Olivier Roy, The New Central Asia: The Creation of Nations; Paul Georg Geiss, Nationenwerdung in Mittelasien . . .  182

Contributors to This Issue  . . .  191

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