Volume 14, Number 2 (Spring 2013)

From the Editors

Late Soviet Politics as Patron–Client Relations . . . 237

Forum: Late Soviet Regional Leadership

Yoram Gorlizki
Scandal in Riazan: Networks of Trust and the Social Dynamics of Deception . . .  243

William A. Clark
Khrushchev’s “Second” First Secretaries: Career Trajectories after the Unification of Oblast Party Organizations . . .           279

Marc Elie
Coping with the “Black Dragon”: Mudflow Hazards and the Controversy over the Medeo Dam in Kazakhstan, 1958–66 . . . 313

Saulius Grybkauskas
The Role of the Second Party Secretary in the “Election” of the First: The Political Mechanism for the Appointment of the Head of Soviet Lithuania in 1974  . . . 343

History and Historians

Sheila Fitzpatrick
T. H. Rigby Remembered . . . 367

Review Essays

Anna Fishzon
When Music Makes History  . . . 381

Randall A. Poole
Gustav Shpet: Russian Philosopher of the Human Level of Being  . . .  395

John-Paul Himka
Encumbered Memory: The Ukrainian Famine of 1932–33 . . . 411

Kevin M. F. Platt
Writing Avant-Garde and Stalinist Culture, or How Cultural History Is Made: Three Examples and a Meditation . . . 437


Alison K. Smith
Natal´ia Anatol´evna Ivanova and Valentina Pavlovna Zheltova, Soslovnoe obshchestvo Rossiiskoi imperii (XVIII–nachalo XX veka) (Soslovie Society of the Russian Empire [18th–Early 19th Centuries]) . . . 457

Maureen Perrie
Kevin M. F. Platt, Terror and Greatness: Ivan and Peter as Russian Myths; Natal´ia Nikolaevna Mut´ia, Ivan Groznyi: Istorizm i lichnost´ pravitelia v otechestvennom iskusstve XIX–XX vv. (Ivan the Terrible: Historicity and the Personality of the Ruler in Russian Art of the 19th and 20th Centuries) . . . 463

Tobias Rupprecht
Tony Shaw and Denise J. Youngblood, Cinematic Cold War: The American and Soviet Struggle for Hearts and Minds . . . 473

Frank Uekötter
Klaus Gestwa, Die Stalinschen Großbauten des Kommunismus: Sowjetische Technik- und Umweltgeschichte, 1948–1967 (Stalinist Large-Scale Construction Sites of Communism: A Soviet Environmental History and History of Technology, 1948–67)          . . . 477

Contributors to This Issue . . . 481

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